On 19 Aug 2010, at 05:24, Carl Sorensen wrote:

If you don't want to do \overrideTimeSignatureSettings, it would be
sufficient to do

\time 9/16
\set beatStructure = #'(4 2 3)

because the \time call resets beatStructure.

That does not work: I get 3+3+3 on that one, too. So perhaps there is
a bug here.

\version "2.13.30"

 \time 9/16
 \set beatStructure = #'(4 3 2)
 \repeat unfold 9 {c''16}

this gives the attached .png.

If it's not working for you, please submit a file that shows the problem.

It appears when I do this (MIDI part not necessary - just shows motivation for code setup):

\version "2.13.30"

music = \new Staff <<
 \time 9/16
 \set beatStructure = #'(4 2 3)
% \set beatStructure = #'(4 3 2)
 \repeat unfold 9 {c''16}

\score {
  \layout {}

\score {
  \unfoldRepeats \music
  \midi {}

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