> Hi,
> Sorry about the newbie question.  I need to suppress all bar lines (except 
> those explicit with /bar).  I have tried adding automaticBars, e.g.:
> \version "2.12.3"
> \score {
>     \new StaffGroup \relative c''  {
> \set automaticBars = ##f
> c4 d e c c d e c
>         c d e c c d e c c1
>     }
> }
> to a score, but this seems to have no effect.  I am probably putting it in 
> the wrong place, or have the syntax wrong.  Could some kind soul give me an 
> example.
> Richard.


That's because, as the documenation says, it has to be set at the Score level 
and not the Voice level. Also, if you haven't yet, I highly recommend reading 
through the Learning Manual. You'll find most questions are answered there.

Hope this helps,

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