On 13 August 2010 22:46, Hilary Snaden <h...@newearth.demon.co.uk> wrote:

> but is there a way of defining a new articulation which displays a trill
> symbol in parentheses,

The simplest method is to set 'parenthesize to #t (this is equivalent
to inserting -\parenthesize before the articulation),

(ly:music-set-property! m 'parenthesize #t)

but you'll also have to change the default 'font-size for
ParenthesesItem otherwise the parentheses will be too small.

An alternative is to use markup for the trill, then you can use the
\parenthesize markup command (tweak its properties using #:override to
change the padding/shape):

(ly:music-set-property! m 'tweaks
  (acons 'stencil (lambda (grob)
                       (markup #:center-align #:parenthesize
#:musicglyph "scripts.trill")))
             (ly:music-property m 'tweaks)))

> or "tr" in plain type, to show editorial trills? This
> would be *very* useful!

As above, but with something like this:

(markup #:center-align #:normal-text "tr")


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