Hullo. I just finished setting the Great Litany to Kievan Chant (Russian
Orthodox). Before, the music fit easily on 1 pg, but after making one small
change, it is now *very widely spaced on 2 pages. How can I fix that.
Attached is the .ly file. Please help. Thanks a lot.*

In Christ,
Michael D
\version "2.12.2"
\include ""
\include ""

\header {
  title = "The Divine Liturgy"
  subtitle = "Great Ektenia"
  composer = "Kievan Chant"

global = {
  \key g \major
  \time 10/4
  \override Staff.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f
  \override Staff.BarLine #'stencil = ##f
  \override Score.SpacingSpanner #'packed-spacing = ##f
  \override TextScript #'staff-padding = #6
move = { \bar "" \break }
soprano = \relative c'' {
  % Music follows here.
  g1 g1 \finalis
   ^\markup {\italic \tiny "In peace, let us pray..." }
  fs4 a2 g1 \divisioMaxima
  ^\markup {\italic \tiny "For the peace from above..." }
  (a4) b c2(b4 a) g1 \divisioMaxima
  ^\markup {\italic \tiny "For the peace of the whole world..."}
  fs4 a2 g1 \divisioMaxima
  ^\markup {\italic \tiny "For this holy house..." }
  (a4) b c2(b4 a) g1 \divisioMaxima
  ^\markup {\italic \tiny "For our lord, the Most Blessed..."}
  fs4 a2 g1 \divisioMaxima
  ^\markup {\italic \tiny "For this God-protected land..." }
  (a4) b c2(b4 a) g1 \divisioMaxima
  ^\markup {\italic \tiny "For this city ..." }
  fs4 a2 g1 \divisioMaxima
  ^\markup {\italic \tiny "For favourable weather ..." }
  (a4) b c2(b4 a) g1 \divisioMaxima
  ^\markup {\italic \tiny "For travelers ..." }
  fs4 a2 g1 \divisioMaxima
  ^\markup {\italic \tiny "For our" }
  (a4) b 
  ^\markup {\italic \tiny "deliverance from..." }
  (b4 a) g1 \divisioMaxima
  ^\markup {\italic \tiny "Help us, save us ... " }
  fs4 a2 g1 \divisioMaxima
  ^\markup {\italic \tiny "Remembering our All-holy" }
  b2(c) b4(a) g1 \finalis
  ^\markup {\italic \tiny "For to Thee..."}
  g1 \finalis

alto = \relative c' {
  % Music follows here.
  g'1 g1 \finalis
  g2. d4 d2 g1 \divisioMaxima
  g2(fs4) d c2(d) g1 \divisioMaxima
  g2. d4 d2 g1 \divisioMaxima
  g2(fs4) d c2(d) g1 \divisioMaxima
  g2. d4 d2 g1 \divisioMaxima
  g2(fs4) d c2(d) g1 \divisioMaxima
  g2. d4 d2 g1 \divisioMaxima
  g2(fs4) d c2(d) g1 \divisioMaxima
  g2. d4 d2 g1 \divisioMaxima
  g2(fs4) d c2(d) g1 \divisioMaxima
  g2. d4 d2 g1 \divisioMaxima
  g4 g2(c,) d g1 \finalis
  g1 g1 \finalis

tenor = \relative c' {
  % Music follows here.
  g1 g1 \finalis
  g2. fs4 a2 g1 \divisioMaxima
  b2(a4) b c2(b4 a) g1 \divisioMaxima
  g2. fs4 a2 g1 \divisioMaxima
  b2(a4) b c2(b4 a) g1 \divisioMaxima
  g2. fs4 a2 g1 \divisioMaxima
  b2(a4) b c2(b4 a) g1 \divisioMaxima
  g2. fs4 a2 g1 \divisioMaxima
  b2(a4) b c2(b4 a) g1 \divisioMaxima
  g2. fs4 a2 g1 \divisioMaxima
  b2(a4) b c2(b4 a) g1 \divisioMaxima
  g2. fs4 a2 g1 \divisioMaxima
  g4 b2(c) b4(a) g1 \finalis
  g1 g1 \finalis

bass = \relative c {
  % Music follows here.
  g'1 g1 \finalis
  g2. d4 d2 g1 \divisioMaxima
  g2(fs4) d c2(d) g1 \divisioMaxima
  g2. d4 d2 g1 \divisioMaxima
  g2(fs4) d c2(d) g1 \divisioMaxima
  g2. d4 d2 g1 \divisioMaxima
  g2(fs4) d c2(d) g1 \divisioMaxima
  g2. d4 d2 g1 \divisioMaxima
  g2(fs4) d c2(d) g1 \divisioMaxima
  g2. d4 d2 g1 \divisioMaxima
  g2(fs4) d c2(d) g1 \divisioMaxima
  g2. d4 d2 g1 \divisioMaxima
  g4 g2(c,) d g1 \finalis
  g1 g1 \finalis

verse = \lyricmode {
  % Lyrics follow here.
 A -- men.
 Lord, have mer -- cy.
 Lord, __ have mer -- cy.
 Lord, have mer -- cy.
 Lord, __ have mer -- cy.
 Lord, have mer -- cy.
 Lord, __ have mer -- cy.
 Lord, have mer -- cy.
 Lord, __ have mer -- cy.
 Lord, have mer -- cy.
 Lord, __ have mer -- cy.
 Lord, have mer -- cy.
 To __ Thee, O Lord.
 A -- men.

\score {
  \transpose g f
  \new ChoirStaff <<
    \new Staff \with {
      midiInstrument = " string ensemble 1 "
      instrumentName = \markup \center-column { "S" "A" }
    } <<
      \new Voice = "soprano" { \voiceOne \soprano }
      \new Voice = "alto" { \voiceTwo \alto }
    \new Lyrics \lyricsto "soprano" \verse
    \new Staff \with {
      midiInstrument = " string ensemble 1 "
      instrumentName = \markup \center-column { "T" "B" }
    } <<
      \clef bass
      \new Voice = "tenor" { \voiceOne \tenor }
      \new Voice = "bass" { \voiceTwo \bass }
  \layout { ragged-last=##f }
  \midi {
    \context {
      tempoWholesPerMinute = #(ly:make-moment 120 4)
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