In 2/4 time, in earlier versions I used

changeBeaming = \overrideBeamSettings #'Voice #'(2 . 4) #'end #'((* . (2))
        ((1 . 8) . (2 2))
        ((1 . 16) . (2 2 2 2))
        ((1 . 32) . (4 4 4 4))
        ((1 . 48) . (6 6 6 6)))

to get 16th and 32nd notes and tupletted 16th 32nd notes grouped as I wanted, putting \changeBeaming in the voice where it's needed.

2.13.29 convert-ly tells me that I need to change this manually to use overrideTimeSignatureSettings or beamExceptions, but I'm struggling to find an example that I can use as a base.

I tried changing my override to:

changeBeaming = \overrideTimeSignatureSettings
      #'(2 . 4)
      #'(1 . 4)
      #'(1 1)
      #'((end . (((1 . 16) . (2 2 2 2))
                   ((1 . 24) . (3 3 3 3))
                   ((1 . 32) . (4 4 4 4))
                   ((1 . 48) . (6 6 6 6)))))

the score builds without error and I get a PDF, but the beaming is still the default - eg 32nd notes are beamed eight at a time.

Here's my short example. How do I get four beams per bar?

\version "2.13.29"

changeBeaming = \overrideTimeSignatureSettings
      #'(2 . 4)  % time signature fraction
      #'(1 . 4)  % base moment fraction
      #'(1 1)    % beatStructure
      #'((end . (((1 . 16) . (2 2 2 2))
                   ((1 . 24) . (3 3 3 3))
                   ((1 . 32) . (4 4 4 4))
                   ((1 . 48) . (6 6 6 6))))) % beamExceptions

\relative c'' {
    \time 2/4
    \repeat unfold 8 c16
    \times 8/12 { \repeat unfold 12 c16 }
    \repeat unfold 16 c32
    \times 16/24 { \repeat unfold 24 c32 }


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