Hi Jethro,

thanks for that idea. However, I would have to do that everytime I do a new version of the file. Is there maybe another way to shorten Slurs and Ties before/after linebreaks?



Am 27.07.2010 um 22:08 schrieb Jethro Van Thuyne:

On Tue, 27 Jul 2010 21:59:52 +0200, Jonas Müthing wrote:

When a slur goes over more than one line, the lilypond prints the slur into the last bar line and starts the slur on the next line very close
to the key signature. I would like to change this an achieve a result
similair to the tie-behaviour. Is there any way to do so?

Hi Jonas,

Although it might not be very relevant for the Lilypond list code- wise, I
generally solve these kind of (minor) flaws in Inkscape, using the SVG
output. Simply because it's the fastest way.

lilypond -dbackend=svg score.ly

Best regards,


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