On Jul 21, 2010, at 8:27 PM, Helge Kruse wrote:

> How should I implement this in Lilypond?
> The excerpt shows a piece for one or two harps. If played with one harp lower 
> staff is for left hand upper staff for right hand.
> When played with two harps each staff is for one harp.
> In the first measures both instruments should play unisono. How can I write 
> theses unisono tremolo triplets? Should I write it two times with
>   \change Staff
> or is there a more elegant way to write the same melody only once?

I would do it so: (more or less)
\version "2.13.29"

patternA = \relative {
   \repeat tremolo 8 { e32*2/3[ c a] }

\new Staff {
      } \new Voice {

<<inline: harp.png>>

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