Am 17.07.2010 17:05, schrieb James Lowe:
play brass in an get all sorts on multi measure rests (and
there are soooooooo many rests!
Playing Celesta can be even more "fun". At my last orchestral concert my
first notes happened to be 32 minutes after the beginning of the symphony...
not that I'm bitter)... particularly what we would call in lilypond world a
text spanner (rit, dim etc) if that counts. But mainly markup text is always on
multi measure rests in my scores.
Playing 52 bars rest Largo is tough going I can tell you!
My favourite is having 52 bars with changing meters but only one
multi-measure rest. (This also happens, especially in hand-written parts).
-----Original Message-----
From: on behalf of David
Sent: Sat 7/17/2010 9:13
Subject: Re: fermata not shown at playing parts
"Trevor Daniels"<> writes:
Carl Sorensen wrote Saturday, July 17, 2010 6:10 AM
But in the Expressive Marks section there is no text outside of an
that describes using fermata as an articulation. (There is an index
for \fermata, however).
OK, I've added a para to Articulations and ornaments in Expressive
"Articulations can be attached to rests as well as notes but they
cannot be attached to multi-measure rests. A special predefined
command, @code{\fermataMarkup}, is available for attaching a fermata
to a multi-measure rest (and only a multi-measure rest). This
creates a @code{MultiMeasureRestText} object."
together with an example to show how these are used.
Wouldn't it make more sense if articulations were siphoned off a
multimeasure and tacked back on by the multimeasure engraver?
On the other hand, I have a hard time imagining what this should be
equivalent to when expanded. Fermata on the last bar? If so, I'd
likely place the fermata after the multimeasure rest symbol.
What other articulations are to be expected on multimeasure rests?
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