On Thu, Jul 1, 2010 at 4:24 AM, Wilbert Berendsen <lily...@xs4all.nl> wrote:
> I'm using the EPS backend together with \paper { systems-per-page = #1 } to
> get a single EPS for every system, to paste those in OpenOffice.org to get
> music that easily wraps around pages in a wordprocessor like OOo Writer. This
> is nice to make liturgical text books with text and music intermingled.
> I can easily convert those single-system EPS files into PNG for wordprocessors
> that do not support EPS.
> But it seems not to be possible to output SVG images this way. When using the
> SVG backend, SVG's are created for every page (system), but they look like a
> full A4 page, and it is not possible to extract the bounding box that the EPS
> files have when using the EPS backend.

With 2.13, the default SVG backend does use "full-page" output.  In
2.12, the dimensions of the full-page output are proportionately
accurate, but IIRC, the units are always pixels instead of the
intended units.

> Is there a way to have LilyPond output SVG images without the border?

Yes, but right now you can only use -dpreview:

  $ lilypond -dbackend=svg -dpreview file.ly

This works just as you would expect for the EPS backend.

I've added your request to the tracker:


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