There's no need to switch workspace. When creating a new LilyPond project, just 
remember to uncheck the 'Use default location' and specify the folder of your 
scores there.
Eclipse restarts automatically when switching workspace. If you encounter a 
real crash, it is deterministically reproducible and you're confident that 
Elysium causes it, please file a bug 
( :)


On 2010.07.01., at 22:13, Federico Bruni wrote:

> Stefan Thomas ha scritto:
>>> Dear community,
>>> I wanted to try elysium.
>>> I've downloaded and installed the program.
>>> But when I opened the first lilypond-file I've got:
>>> Could not open the editor: Editor could not be initialized.
>>> What went wrong?
> You have to create a LilyPond project first, then you can create a new
> LilyPond file.
> Read the step 4 here:
> If you want to open an existing .ly file, I think you should do:
> File=>Switch workspace=>Other
> and then you browse in the folder where the sources are.
> But it's not working here.. there's a sort of crash and restart and when
> Eclipse comes back the workspace is still the default.
> Any solution?
> Cheers,
> Federico

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