I have just downloaded the latest version of Lilypond (v.2.12.3) and Python
I would like to convert old some score files to .ly. I have tried to do so
through midi2ly and musicxml2ly, but neither works (and I know I am in the
correct folder).

That's what appears when using midi2ly (the file is "Cant.mid"):

C:\Documents and Settings\Joan\Desktop\Exps>midi2ly Cant.mid
  File "C:\Program Files\Lilypond\usr\bin\midi2ly.py", line 552
    sys.stderr.write ("SKIP: %s\n" % `e`)
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

C:\Documents and Settings\Joan\Desktop\Exps>

That's what appears when using musicxml2ly (here, the file is "Cantt.xml"):

C:\Documents and Settings\Joan\Desktop\Exps>musicxml2ly Cantt.xml
  File "C:\Program Files\Lilypond\usr\bin\musicxml2ly.py", line 415
    step = i.get_named_child (u'tuning-step')
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

C:\Documents and Settings\Joan\Desktop\Exps>

Am I not doing it correctly, or is it a bug?

Thank you very, very much.
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