
Read about Ubuntu's free culture showcase this morning on
Ivanka Majic's blog.  

Title of the post: Art in the open.

First sentence: Are you a musician?

Dove right into the wiki and was saddened by the fact that
it did not mention LilyPond.  Tweeted @ivanka and she added it!

So now I'm looking for someone to take this up and send
in a composition in LilyPond to -- save me from embarrassment
for taking this up -- I mean, -- to win eternal fame :-)


PS: do we have/want a special place in the new website for
    original/new compositions made with/in LilyPond?

PPS: wouldn't it be nice if we had so many great composers
     in our userbase that we could stage a composition
     contest with a major release?

Jan Nieuwenhuizen <jann...@gnu.org> | GNU LilyPond http://lilypond.org
Freelance IT http://JoyOfSource.com | Avatar®  http://AvatarAcademy.nl  

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