Dear all, Vocal music, with lyrics following 1st voice.How to draw a [dashed, dotted, normal] line from the 3rd or 4th voice "do" to the syllabe "tse" ?
Ideally, one could adjust a #'position = #'(n . m) property for this line (along with #'line-style).
Similarly, how to draw a left vertical bracket from a note to a line of lyrics ? from a note to a note of another staff ? (see attached "4-brackets.png")
Thanks, Germain pj : "" pj : "test-lien-note-syllabe.png" pj : "4-brackets.png" %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %produce a trimmed PNG with: %lilypond -dbackend=eps -dno-gs-load-fonts -dinclude-eps-fonts --png %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \version "2.12.3" \include "" \paper{ %indent=0\mm %line-width=20\mm %bookTitleMarkup = ##f %scoreTitleMarkup = ##f oddHeaderMarkup=##f tagline = ##f %oddFooterMarkup=##f } S = \relative {sib'4.( do8 sib4 la | sol4. la8 sib4) do} A = \relative {sol'4.( la8 sol4 fa | mi4. fa8 sol4) la} T = \relative {re2.( do4) | do2 r} B = \relative {sol2.( la8[sib]) | do2 r} L = \lyricmode { Troi -- tse } \score { \new ChoirStaff << \new Staff << {\key re \minor \clef "G"} \new Voice = "V1" << \voiceOne \S >> \new Voice = "V2" << \voiceTwo \A >> >> \new Lyrics = "WordsAll" \lyricsto "V1" { \L } \new Staff << {\key re \minor \clef "F"} \new Voice = "V3" << \voiceOne \T >> \new Voice = "V4" << \voiceTwo \B >> >> >> }\layout {}
%produce a trimmed PNG with: %lilypond -dbackend=eps -dno-gs-load-fonts -dinclude-eps-fonts --png %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \version "2.12.3" \include "" \paper{ %indent=0\mm %line-width=20\mm %bookTitleMarkup = ##f %scoreTitleMarkup = ##f oddHeaderMarkup=##f tagline = ##f %oddFooterMarkup=##f } S = \relative {sib'4.( do8 sib4 la | sol4. la8 sib4) do} A = \relative {sol'4.( la8 sol4 fa | mi4. fa8 sol4) la} T = \relative {re2.( do4) | do2 r} B = \relative {sol2.( la8[sib]) | do2 r} L = \lyricmode { Troi -- tse } \score { \new ChoirStaff << \new Staff << {\key re \minor \clef "G"} \new Voice = "V1" << \voiceOne \S >> \new Voice = "V2" << \voiceTwo \A >> >> \new Lyrics = "WordsAll" \lyricsto "V1" { \L } \new Staff << {\key re \minor \clef "F"} \new Voice = "V3" << \voiceOne \T >> \new Voice = "V4" << \voiceTwo \B >> >> >> } \layout {}
<<attachment: test-lien-note-syllabe.png>>
<<attachment: 4-brackets.png>>
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