Thank you, Eluze! Your suggestion helped. Thanks to your suggestion, and a few 
more hacks of my own, I was able to solve a more tricky problem. This involves 
connecting an arpeggio to one note of a two-note chord, which should appear as 
a chord, not as a stem-up note and a stem-down note in different Voices. Flags 
and beams also needed to be hacked.

%%% begin example
\version "2.13.17"

global =
    \time 6/8
    \set PianoStaff.connectArpeggios = ##t

rhMusic =
        % If the Voices are not given names, the arpeggio spans both Voices, 
which is incorrect
        % If the Voices are given different names, the arpeggio is correct 
(thank you, Eluze) but each Voice's music gets its own flags and beams, which 
is incorrect
        \new Voice = "upperRH"
                \remove "Auto_beam_engraver"    % no beams, but now each top 
quaver has a flag
                \override Stem #'flag-style = #'no-flag
                g''8 ~ g'' a'' b''
        \new Voice = "lowerRH"
                <g'>8\arpeggio ~ g' a' b'

lhMusic =
    \clef bass
    r4 g8\arpeggio r4.

        \new PianoStaff
            \new Staff = "x" << \global \rhMusic >>
            \new Staff = "y" << \global \lhMusic >>
    \layout { }
%%% end example 


> Date: Sat, 12 Jun 2010 14:59:28 -0700 (PDT)
> From: -Eluze <>
> Subject: Re: Arpeggio over some but not all the notes of a chord
> To:
> Message-ID: <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> if you explicitly  use two voices, you could write
> music = {
>   <<
>     \context Voice = "1" {
>       \voiceOne 
>       b''4 c''' 
>     }
>     \context Voice = "2" { 
>       \voiceTwo
>       <f' d''> \arpeggio <g' e''>\arpeggio
>     }
>   >>
> }
> this clearly limits the arpeggio to the chord in the voice!

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