Dear all,
I have the following problem with the line-width parameter used by
When I specify the line-width to be exactly the same as my LaTeX
\textwidth, the resulting small generated PDFs which are embedded have
the right size, but there is some unwanted empty space at the left of
the Staff, making the actual line of music a little smaller. I would
rather have the Staff be of exactly the specified width. By the way, the
result is the same when lilypond-book guesses the line-width automatically.
I'm using Lilypond 2.12.2, with the following commands:
lilypond-book --pdf --format=latex --latex-program=pdflatex minimal.lytex
pdflatex minimal.tex
Here is a small example lytex:
\relative c' { c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c }
Thanks in advance for any help,
best regards,
Robert Memering
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