Hi Christian,

> My question is this: is there a way to set chordnames so that the chord 
> suffix, no matter what it is, is not superscript?

This can probably be done "in one swell foop" by modifying the .scm file that 
generates ChordNames.

The more straight-forward and flexible (if tedious) way is to create your own 
custom chord markup list. I've given you a head start with the attached 
file(s): simply continue adding the markup after the remaining chords in 
chord-name-custom.ly, and see customChords_list.ly for an example of how to 
\include the file in your "real" Lilypond files.

Hope this helps!

Attachment: chord-name-custom.ly
Description: Binary data

Attachment: customChords_list.ly
Description: Binary data

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