On 12 May 2010 15:27, Phil Holmes <m...@philholmes.net> wrote: > Problem with this is that the unbeamed note in the second voice has a tail > and not a beam, and so we get the result shown in the attached image, with a > tail under the beaming. Also I still get the complaint about clashing note > columns.
If you keep the upper voice in \voiceOne, there will be no clashing columns: \new Voice \relative c'' { \time 3/4 r2 << { \voiceTwo a4 ~ | <a c>8 } \new Voice { \voiceOne f'8 c ~ | \hideNotes c8 } >> <a c>16 <a c> } Cheers, Neil _______________________________________________ lilypond-user mailing list lilypond-user@gnu.org http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user