2010/5/7 josé henrique padovani <zepadov...@gmail.com> :

> Hi..
> I have made some changes on my lilypond-mode.el (for emacs) to
> process .lytex files with the commands...
> lilypond-book --pdf yourfile.lytex
> pdflatex yourfile.tex
> I would like to know who maintains lilypond-mode and how can I help
> to add these commands to the sources?
> (I was having problems to use the default "Book" and "LaTeX" commando
> of lilypond-mode menu.)


According to the AUTHORS page

  Chris Jackson, Emacs mode indentation.
  Heikki Junes, Major Emacs- and Vim-mode updates.
  David Svoboda, what-beat emacs module.

Their e-mail addresses can be obtained through the page.  ;-)

But I suppose sending a PATCH on lilypond-de...@gnu.org would be just
fine to help to add these commands to the sources.
 + Cc: to Chris, Heikki and David ; appreciated.


Xavier Scheuer <x.sche...@gmail.com>

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