Hello Xavier,

Thanks. You replied on my original question with :

I think you simply forgot the << >> to put around the 2 Staffs of
PianoStaff :

\score {
  \new StaffGroup {
    \tempo 4=100
    \new PianoStaff <<
     \new TwoLineStaff \new Voice \DunDunVoice
     \new TwoLineStaff \new Voice \SangBangVoice
  \new DjembeStaff \new Voice \DjembeIVoice
  \new DjembeStaff \new Voice \DjembeIIVoice
  \new DjembeStaff \new Voice \DjembeIIIVoice

  \layout { }
  %  \midi { }

Done so. It could compile without errors but the PianoStaff is not visible.

With regards,


Quoting Xavier Scheuer <x.sche...@gmail.com>:

2010/4/30 <lilyp...@bernardhulsman.nl>:

Hello (Kieren ?)

I could create custom Staff's now, thanks to the help of Kieren.
And use separated Voices within it.

Now there are two different percusion instruments (African DunDun
and SangBang) which should be played with one person. A PianoStaff
would be ideal for this.

I could use the PianoStaff succesfull when I defined the Staff and
the Voice together. But I wanted to separated them for more structure.

Could someone say what I did wrong?


I think you simply forgot the << >> to put around the 2 Staffs of
PianoStaff :

  \new PianoStaff <<
    \new TwoLineStaff \new Voice \DunDunVoice
    \new TwoLineStaff \new Voice \SangBangVoice


\score {
  \new StaffGroup <<
    \tempo 4=100
    \new PianoStaff <<
      \new TwoLineStaff \new Voice \DunDunVoice
      \new TwoLineStaff \new Voice \SangBangVoice

    \new DjembeStaff \new Voice \DjembeIVoice
    \new DjembeStaff \new Voice \DjembeIIVoice
    \new DjembeStaff \new Voice \DjembeIIIVoice
 \layout {}
  % \midi {}


Xavier Scheuer <x.sche...@gmail.com>

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