Am Mittwoch, 28. April 2010 00:11:24 schrieb Nick Payne:
> On 28/04/10 03:26, Xavier Scheuer wrote:
> > [snip]
> > I hoped normal markups to align automatically beside dynamics if
> > presents, but John disagreed so I didn't open a discussion about that
> > on one of the international mailing lists.
> > 
> >    c'4\mp-\markup \italic "dolce"
> > 
> > to produce the quite usual "mp dolce".

No, here you have a dynamic marking and some text markup, which do not have 
anything to do with each other, so they are positioned separately (examples 
are: "pizz" on the same note as a\p. You definitely don't want "pp pizz."!)

> For this you could use
>      c'4_\markup { \dynamic mp { \italic dolce } }
> which aligns the dynamic marking and markup for you.

But it will ignore all \dynamicUp / \dynamicDown commands... The best is still 
to use #(make-dynamic-script....), which really creates a dynamics object (see 
also the LSR snippet quoted below).

What I was talking about was not to get the "mp" and the "dolce" next to each 
other, but how to get a "mp dolce" in one staff of a full score align properly 
with a "mp" in another staff (i.e. the additional "dolce" should not force the 
mp away from the note it applies to).

I have collected a lot of possible approaches on the LSR:

(See the comments in the .ly file for the pros/cons of each of the 


Reinhold Kainhofer,,
 * Financial & Actuarial Math., Vienna Univ. of Technology, Austria
 *, DVR: 0005886
 * LilyPond, Music typesetting,

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