Hi Joshua,

Have a look at http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.13/Documentation/learning/scores-and-parts#Scores-and-parts

Part of LilyPond's flexibility is that it does most of the work for you. This eliminates the need to fine tune the the appearance and layout of the music in scores and parts, and so you can concentrate on the overall page formatting when you're ready to print scores and parts.

What I like to do is to put all of the music for each of the instruments in my score in a file by itself, such as "horn-notes.ly" and "guitar-notes.ly" -- only the notes, nothing else.

When I'm ready to make a part (the guitar part, for example), I make a new file called "guitar.ly" That file contains all of the page formatting such as margins, page size, staff size, etc. and in the top of the file, I do \include "guitar-notes.ly"

For the score I make a file called "score.ly" with all of the formatting that I prefer for the full score and I do \include "guitar-notes.ly" and \include "horn-notes.ly" and so forth.

You'll want to read up on using and recalling variables http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.13/Documentation/learning/saving-typing-with-variables-and-functions#Saving-typing-with-variables-and-functions

building scores http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.13/Documentation/learning/building-a-score-from-scratch#Building-a-score-from-scratch

Be sure to check out information on Paper and Layout in the Notation Reference. This information may be different depending on whether you're using the latest stable version or the latest development version, so be careful to choose the right docs.

It's going to go slowly at first, don't get discouraged.

I hope some of this is helpful,


On 04/27/2010 07:15 AM, Joshua Armenta wrote:

New lilypond user, finally got rid of finale (thank god). My question is kind of dumb but I'm really confused about this.

I have a large ensemble score finished (Brass Choir, Organ and Chorus) and I need to extract parts from this (can you tell I was a finale user for 7 years?) Did I create the file backwards, as in should I have created the parts first then put them into a larger score file? Or is there a variable I set to tell lilypond to generate a part from that line?

Josh Armenta

2010/4/27 <lilypond-user-requ...@gnu.org <mailto:lilypond-user-requ...@gnu.org>>

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    Today's Topics:

      1. Re:[PATCH] Re: syntax change for \cresc (Reinhold Kainhofer)
      2. Re:[PATCH] Re: syntax change for \cresc (Carl Sorensen)
      3. Re:Chord Naming (Jack Cooper)
      4. Re:Chord Naming (Martin Tarenskeen)
      5. Tablature with squared noteheads (Bernardo Barros)
      6. Re:Tablature with squared noteheads (Bernardo Barros)
      7. Re:Tablature with squared noteheads (Federico Bruni)


    Message: 1
    Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2010 22:24:46 +0200
    From: Reinhold Kainhofer <reinh...@kainhofer.com
    Subject: Re: [PATCH] Re: syntax change for \cresc
    To: Xavier Scheuer <x.sche...@gmail.com
    <mailto:x.sche...@gmail.com>>, lilypond-de...@gnu.org
           "lilypond-user" <lilypond-user@gnu.org
    Message-ID: <201004262224.47498.reinh...@kainhofer.com
    Content-Type: Text/Plain;  charset="utf-8"

    Am Sonntag, 25. April 2010 14:10:40 schrieben Sie:
    > [Dreams\] It would be great to have a simpler, more
    user-friendly way
    > to align text with dynamics.  [\Dreams]

    Absolutely. You can't imagine how long i fought to find proper
    ways to align
    "pp" and "pp sempre" properly with each other!

    > > You know that you can (globally or locally) override the
    spanner type
    > > and even hide the line?
    > >    \override DynamicTextSpanner #'dash-period = #-1.0
    > Yes, I know.
    > But the problem is: what if I have a score with both "spanned" and
    > "non-spanned" textual crescendi?
    > And this still requires the \crescTextCresc, *each time* you
    switch from
    > "hairpin" to "text".

    No, \< will produce a hairpin, \cresc a text crescendo... There's
    really no
    need for \crescTextCresc any more.

    > And also a simple, user-friendly syntax for custom crescendo texts
    > (your music function is great but is Scheme-based and I was
    thinking at
    > a "LiliPond"-based syntax).

    Every such syntax will need to be defined in and based on Scheme! The
    regression test I pointed out just provides the function
    definition. Lilypond
    does not provide it itself (yet?), so you need to copy the
    definition somewhere
    in your own include files.
    But when using it, there is no explicit scheme code involved, just
    LilyPond syntax, e.g.
       c-\myTextCresc "crescendo..."

    > > See input/regression/dynamics-custom-text-spanner-postfix.ly
    <http://dynamics-custom-text-spanner-postfix.ly> for how
    > > to create dynamic text spanners with arbitrary texts.
    > Is it possible to have the same without the extension line to be
    > printed?

    As with any other text crescendo spanner:
      \override DynamicTextSpanner #'dash-period = #-1.0

    > I am never satisfied but I also would like to use it without
    > having to add the '-' before the \mycresc command.  As I use \p
    , \f or
    > \< without '-'.

    No, that's not possible. LilyPond cannot have a function with
    arguments behave
    like that. If you want a command to take arguments, it will always
    need a -, _
    or ^ before the command. That's a general restriction with the
    parser and also
    applies to many other functions.
    Most notably, the \tweak command suffers from this very problem,
    too. See e.g.

    > Should I say that it would be useful for many people to see this
    in the
    > LSR and in the doc?

    Yes, I totally understand. However, the LSR is (still?) based on
    2.12, so it's not possible to submit it there currently. And when
    it switches
    to 2.13, probably noone will remember submitting such snippets
    that show new


    Reinhold Kainhofer, reinh...@kainhofer.com
    <mailto:reinh...@kainhofer.com>, http://reinhold.kainhofer.com/
     * Financial & Actuarial Math., Vienna Univ. of Technology, Austria
     * http://www.fam.tuwien.ac.at/, DVR: 0005886
     * LilyPond, Music typesetting, http://www.lilypond.org


    Message: 2
    Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2010 14:29:21 -0600
    From: Carl Sorensen <c_soren...@byu.edu <mailto:c_soren...@byu.edu>>
    Subject: Re: [PATCH] Re: syntax change for \cresc
    To: Reinhold Kainhofer <reinh...@kainhofer.com
    <mailto:reinh...@kainhofer.com>>, Xavier Scheuer
    <x.sche...@gmail.com <mailto:x.sche...@gmail.com>>,
    "lilypond-de...@gnu.org <mailto:lilypond-de...@gnu.org>"
<lilypond-de...@gnu.org <mailto:lilypond-de...@gnu.org>>, lilypond-user <lilypond-user@gnu.org <mailto:lilypond-user@gnu.org>>
    Message-ID: <c7fb53c1.11d74%c_soren...@byu.edu
    Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

    On 4/26/10 2:24 PM, "Reinhold Kainhofer" <reinh...@kainhofer.com
    <mailto:reinh...@kainhofer.com>> wrote:

    > Am Sonntag, 25. April 2010 14:10:40 schrieben Sie:

    >> Should I say that it would be useful for many people to see
    this in the
    >> LSR and in the doc?
    > Yes, I totally understand. However, the LSR is (still?) based on
    > 2.12, so it's not possible to submit it there currently. And
    when it switches
    > to 2.13, probably noone will remember submitting such snippets
    that show new
    > functionality...

    But you can put it in Documentation/snippets/new right now, and it
    will go
    into the LSR when it's upgraded to 2.14, can't you?



    Message: 3
    Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2010 13:49:09 -0700 (PDT)
    From: Jack Cooper <jack.coo...@rogers.com
    Subject: Re: Chord Naming
    To: "lilypond-user@gnu.org <mailto:lilypond-user@gnu.org>"
    <lilypond-user@gnu.org <mailto:lilypond-user@gnu.org>>
    Message-ID: <984996.36584...@web88205.mail.re2.yahoo.com
    Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

    I was a bit lax in not mentioning that this particular setting is
    mentioned under the notation manual
    section 2.7.2, "Displaying Chords" for both version 2.12 and 2.13

    It is sometimes frustrating finding examples as a newer user-
    after a while you start to build a
    library of your favourite tricks and shortcuts without remembering
    where the description
    of the feature came from.

    In general, I do the following when I'm looking for information
    about a topic in lilypond and
    have done this since starting out:

    1 - Check the notation manual.  I will sometime browse the TOC or
    look specifically in the index.
    2 - Do a search in the user list archives.
    3 - Browse the LSR

    I almost always find what I am looking for by searching through
    the list archives.  There will usually be a pointer to a
    previous discussion where the solution was described,  or a
    pointer to the relevant notation manual chapter
    or LSR entry.  The  hardest thing is sometimes finding the right
    keyword to search.


    Jack Cooper, BerLen Music
    www.berlenmusic.com <http://www.berlenmusic.com>
    www.jack-cooper.com <http://www.jack-cooper.com>

    ----- Original Message ----
    > From: Martin Tarenskeen <m.tarensk...@zonnet.nl
    > To: Jack Cooper <jack.coo...@rogers.com
    > Cc: "lilypond-user@gnu.org <mailto:lilypond-user@gnu.org>"
    <lilypond-user@gnu.org <mailto:lilypond-user@gnu.org>>
    > Sent: Mon, April 26, 2010 2:52:43 AM
    > Subject: Re: Chord Naming

    On Sun, 25 Apr 2010, Jack Cooper wrote:

    > You don't have to do
    > this for major sevenths- just include the following within your
    > context:
    >   \context ChordNames = "Chords" {
    >        \set majorSevenSymbol = "maj7"
    >    ...
    > }

    Thank you. THAT's the kind of
    > easy-to-understand-and-ready-to-use example I was looking for.



    Message: 4
    Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2010 23:53:48 +0200 (CEST)
    From: Martin Tarenskeen <m.tarensk...@zonnet.nl
    Subject: Re: Chord Naming
    To: Jack Cooper <jack.coo...@rogers.com
    Cc: "lilypond-user@gnu.org <mailto:lilypond-user@gnu.org>"
    <lilypond-user@gnu.org <mailto:lilypond-user@gnu.org>>
    Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed

    On Mon, 26 Apr 2010, Jack Cooper wrote:

    > In general, I do the following when I'm looking for information
    about a topic in lilypond and
    > have done this since starting out:
    > 1 - Check the notation manual.  I will sometime browse the TOC
    or look specifically in the index.
    > 2 - Do a search in the user list archives.
    > 3 - Browse the LSR

    I would like to add

    4. Google ...




    Message: 5
    Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2010 19:26:39 -0300
    From: Bernardo Barros <bernardobarr...@gmail.com
    Subject: Tablature with squared noteheads
    To: lilypond-user <lilypond-user@gnu.org
    Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

    Hi List,

    First I'd like to say that I'm comming to the conclusion that
    Lilypond is a
    very good software for contenporary music. Not everything is
    but if you take your time I think you will not need to do hacks
    all the time
    like in Finale. I just finished a section of a ensemble piece, it
    great. I'm a new user and I hope I will no encouter very big
    problems on the
    road... :-)

    I'm copying a part with a tablature and there is one measure that
    I have
    damped strings on the guitar. I'd like to notate this with a different
    notehead (a black square, or maybe a cross) instead and the usual
    Is it possible? The e-guitar have a non-standard scordatura, so
    I'm doing
    everything that is possible with tablature, since the players I'm
    with said it is much easier to learn.

    I modified a standard template to test this and it didn't work
    with the
    usual \override fot noteheads.

    \paper {
     #(define dump-extents #t)

     line-width = 160\mm - 2.0 * 0.4\in
     ragged-right = ##t
     indent = 0\mm
     force-assignment = #""
     line-width = #(- line-width (* mm  3.000000))

    \layout {


    frag = {
     \key e \major
     e16 fis gis a b4
     \set TabStaff.minimumFret = #8
       \override NoteHead #'style = #'cross
     e16 fis gis a b4
     \new StaffGroup <<
       \new Staff { \clef "G_8" \frag }
       \new TabStaff { \frag }
    -------------- next part --------------
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    Message: 6
    Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2010 19:33:17 -0300
    From: Bernardo Barros <bernardobarr...@gmail.com
    Subject: Re: Tablature with squared noteheads
    To: lilypond-user <lilypond-user@gnu.org
    Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

    I found a possible solution in the archives of the other list, the
    one for
    tablatures. :-) If someone have a better one tell me.


    -------------- next part --------------
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    Message: 7
    Date: Tue, 27 Apr 2010 07:08:08 +0200
    From: Federico Bruni <federicobr...@sixbarsjail.it
    Subject: Re: Tablature with squared noteheads
    To: Bernardo Barros <bernardobarr...@gmail.com
    Cc: lilypond-user <lilypond-user@gnu.org
    Message-ID: <1272344888.2926.6.ca...@debian.lan>
    Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

    Il giorno lun, 26/04/2010 alle 19.26 -0300, Bernardo Barros ha
    > I'm copying a part with a tablature and there is one measure that I
    > have damped strings on the guitar. I'd like to notate this with a
    > different notehead (a black square, or maybe a cross) instead
    and the
    > usual numbers. Is it possible?

    Yes and you don't need any override, try this:

    frag = {
     \key e \major
     e16 fis gis a b4
     \set TabStaff.minimumFret = #8
     e16 fis gis a b4

    BTW, instead of
    \override NoteHead #'style = #'cross

    you should have used
    \override TabNoteHead #'style = #'cross

    but I guess \deadNotesOn does exactly what you want to achieve.

    Read also the doc:



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    lilypond-user@gnu.org <mailto:lilypond-user@gnu.org>

    End of lilypond-user Digest, Vol 89, Issue 70

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