Hi James (and Gerard),

>>> \markup \italic { a section of text to be italicised }
>> I don't think that will work; that will italicize the section of text, but 
>> the words will no longer be treated as lyrics, that is, they won't be 
>> aligned under the notes as lyrics would be.
> What would lead you to come to this conclusion?

If "a section of text to be italicised" is one word, it works as expected.
If it's more than one word, Lilypond makes the entire phrase into a single 
lyric -- not (as Gerard implied) into something that isn't a lyric -- and 
aligns the entire phrase under a single note.

The correct answer to his original question is

  \override LyricText #'font-shape = #'italic a section of text to be 
italicised \revert LyricText #'font-shape

Sorry for the noise.

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