Trevor Daniels wrote:
> There's a fair bit on fiddling with glissando lines in Section
> 5.4.6 of the Notation Reference under Using the line spanner
> interface.  If you've not seen this maybe it will help.

thanks Trevor!

i had read it before and reread it now - and still i feel a bit
uncomfortable when using textSpanners for this purpose. 

to illsutrate what i meant i have added the code of the various steps i went

\version "2.13.16"

% i have added a parameter - padleft - to simplify coding:

gliss = #(define-music-function (parser location shift pad padleft) (pair?
number? number?) #{
  \once \override TextSpanner #'style = #'line
  \once \override TextSpanner #'bound-details #'left #'padding = #$padleft
  \once \override TextSpanner #'bound-details #'right #'padding = #1
  \once \override TextSpanner #'extra-offset = #$shift
  \override TextSpanner #'(bound-details right Y) = #$pad
  \once \override TextSpanner #'bound-details #'right #'text = #'()

{\gliss #'(0 . -2  ) #'1.0 #'1.0 <g''-1>2 \startTextSpan e'' <b''-1>

% now shift with extra-offset vertically up by -1 to have the glissando on
the fingering height

{\gliss #'(0 . -1.0) #'1.0 #'1.0 <g''-1>2 \startTextSpan e'' <b''-1>
% this works - but the left padding is to small

% augment the left padding to 1.1
{\gliss #'(0 . -1.0) #'1.0 #'1.1 <g''-1>2 \startTextSpan e'' <b''-1>
% this is still to near to the fingering indication 

% augment the left padding to 1.4
{\gliss #'(0 . -1.0) #'1.0 #'1.4 <g''-1>2 \startTextSpan e'' <b''-1>
% the text spanner falls down between the notes!

% does it help to change the extra-offset now? note that it has to be raised
{\gliss #'(0 .   .5) #'1.0 #'1.4 <g''-1>2 \startTextSpan e'' <b''-1>
% i found that .5 looks good - although i had expected a value of approx. 1
(staff spaces?!) to fit.

could this be achieved in a simpler way?

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