У вт, 2010-03-23 у 08:25 -0600, Carl Sorensen пише:
> The clue here is that there is some kind of break in the middle of the score
> that you've put in manually that confuses the layout engine.
My fault!

> Just remove the /pageBreak in the middle of your score and it works
> perfectly.
Yes, almost .)

(I can use both system-count and page-count, replace \pageBreak with
\break, then adjust spacing to force three-systems-per-page desired
layout, with ragged-bottom=##t --- of course! Now i can see. Thank You.)

I've found issue 884, but here is something different --- here lilypond
can not produce anything, because of confusing \pageBreak. Well, if i
could provide tiny example, i would add issue titled "\pageBreak
confuses layout engine *far* too much"... But i can not, i guess.
I will try .)

Oh well.

Thank You anyway!
Thank You for Your time, sorry. My fault, in some sense, surely. Again.

> HTH,
> Carl

  Dmytro O. Redchuk

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