No, that's fine -- we already have somebody to handle the
git+compile+doc policy stuff.  So far I have no indication that
he's overwhelmed with work.

If you're up for writing a few lilypond examples (say, creating an
example of \bendAfter using a non-integer argument), *that* could
be useful... but I'm pretty certain (... well, pretty *hopeful*,
at least)  that we'll have enough helpful users who can create
such examples.

Maybe get back in touch in a week if there doesn't seem to be any
movement on this issue.  :)

- Graham

On Mon, Mar 22, 2010 at 03:53:12PM -0500, Jonathan Kulp wrote:
>    I should be able to handle some git committing / compile checking, and
>    stuff like that if others can do the worst of the typing.
>    Jon
>    On Mon, Mar 22, 2010 at 3:36 PM, Graham Percival
>    <> wrote:
>      Here's the current situation with the documentation.
>      1. we have a number of users who know a lot about lilypond, but
>      A  are not familiar with git + compiling + our doc policies.
>      2. we have a doc editor on Windows who knows about
>      A  git+compiling+doc policies, but knows relatively little
>      A  about lilypond.
>      3. we have a number of open documentation issues, some of them
>      A  critical [1].
>      If you belong to category 1, and think you might be able to help
>      with category 3, please contact category 2 (CC'd on this email) or
>      me.
>      [1]
>      Cheers,
>      - Graham
>      _______________________________________________
>      lilypond-user mailing list
>    --
>    Jonathan Kulp

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