Hi! I still have some troubles with four voices at two stave (SA-TB), and their lyrics (lilypond 2.13) --- you can remember, i've asked this already: http://www.mail-archive.com/bug-lilyp...@gnu.org/msg16789.html
Yes, there is no this problem with 2.12. Now a bit more (i hope) info, see below. In a couple of words: if alto is paused when tenor is singing AND tenor is paused when alto is singing --- their lyrics are aligned properly. When tenor AND alto are both singing (but singing the same and lyrics attached to alto) OR alto is in \oneVoice --- tenor's lyrics is dropped down relatively to alto's. Yes, i can not explain better than snippet or image can do, sorry .) The very first case (see the snippet or image) can be happily adjusted with spacing tuning, but i've failed to manage the last case, there is still some quite visible vertical space between two lyrics contexts' baselines. In real world examples this leads to unwanted results (score can not be fit in a good number of pages, systems are visually worse etc). I guess i'll be able to provide more info and perform more tests, if needed. Please, help :-) Again and again :-) Thank you a lot. % ------------8<----------------------------------- \version "2.13.16" alto = \relative g' { g4 ^"Single voice" g r2 \break \voiceTwo g4 ^"voiceTwo" g r2 \break g4 ^"voiceTwo" g r2 } tenor = \relative f' { r2 f4 f r2 f4 f f4 f f f } altolyrics = \lyricmode { a a a a a a } tenlyrics = \lyricmode { p p p p _ _ p p } \score { \context ChoirStaff \with { \override StaffGrouper #'between-staff-spacing #'space = #12 } << \new Staff = "upperstaff" << \new Voice = "alto" { \alto } \context Lyrics = "altolyrics" \lyricsto "alto" \altolyrics >> % \new Staff = "tenstaff" << \new Voice = "tenor" { \tenor } \context Lyrics = "tenlyrics" \with { alignAboveContext = "tenstaff" } \lyricsto "tenor" \tenlyrics >> >> } \paper { ragged-right = ##t indent = 0 } % ------------8<----------------------------------- -- Dmytro O. Redchuk
<<attachment: twolyrs-spacing-2.13.16.png>>
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