On 3/10/10 10:04 AM, "Phil Holmes" <m...@philholmes.net> wrote:

> Mats said:
>>> Quoting Phil Holmes <em...@philholmes.net>:
>>>> Is it correct that the \partial command applies to all voices below the
>>>> one in which it is issued,
>>> No, the \partial command sets some properties on the Score level, so the
>>> order shouldn't matter. Hard to say why you see such a difference
>> without having access to your full test file.
> This was from a while back, but I've now created some snippets that show the
> effect of the order on the reported barcheck error.
> If I now modify the file to move the \partial to the first Staff/Voice, I
> get the following error:
> .... warning: barcheck failed at: -1/4
>   R4   |  % 1


> So it appears from this that it is important which voice or stave has the
> \partial command...

Apparently so.  I suspect (but haven't proven) that this is true because
bar-checking is performed in an iterator outside the

Personally, I think that the warning is "technically" correct, since R
indicates a full-measure rest, and a full measure rest should start at
measure-position zero.

However, since we need to use full-measure rests to enable the empty staves
to be removed, it would seem that a partial measure is also a "full measure"
as far as full-measure rests are concerned.

But for the current status of bar-checks, putting a full-measure rest in a
partial measure should always produce the barcheck warning, IMO.



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