On Tuesday 02 March 2010 19:03:26 Peter Chubb wrote:
> >>>>> "bachelet" == bachelet  <w...@theps.net> writes:
> bachelet> any luck finding this script, I'd like to use it, too
> It was in this mailing list, at
> http://www.mail-archive.com/bug-lilyp...@gnu.org/msg03960.html
> Peter C
The velocity is the speed at which a midi keyboard key is moving just
before, ideally exactly when, it hits bottom.  If the midi keyboard
measured how hard the key hit bottom, the instrument would be beaten
to pieces in short order.  The velocity can be measured by electronic
or electric means, so the measurement is not much affected by physical
wear.  The absolute volume is proportional to the energy of the hit,
which is proportional to the square of the velocity.  But if the
volume is measured in decibels, it is proportional to the velocity.
So why on earth is conversion from velocity to volume in decibels an
issue?  If you are using ppp pp p mp mf f ff fff why convert at all?
Just use velocity.  Regards, daveA

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