The tip on using the tie was helpful. Thanks, much! (I'd tried it before,
but for some reason, the tie didn't work. Or maybe I'm caught not seeing the
forest because of the trees....)

I still have one issue to work out: I'd like to position the slur from a to
b (see the red box & red slur below) between the note heads. How can I
accomplish this? 

Here is the relevant excerpt of my revised code:

    \stemUp <g d'~>8 (<fis d'>)  <g d'~> (<fis d'>)
\stemDown <b d~>  
    (<c d>) \stemUp <b d~> (<fis d'>) <g d'~>8 
    (<fis d'>) <g d'~> (<fis d'>) \stemDown <b d~>  
    (<c d>) \redSlur <a d~> (<b d>) \tieDown \slurUp
<d~ g> (<d fis>)

Again, thanks much.


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