Rick Hansen (aka RickH) wrote:
> Mats Bengtsson-4 wrote:
>> If you follow the link to "StringNumber" at the bottom of the page on 
>> "String number indications" in the manual, you will find out that 
>> "StringNumber objects are created by: New_fingering_engraver"
>> and if you keep clicking to find out in which context this engraver
>> lives by default, you'll find out that it's in the Voice context.
>> I think that's all information you need.
>> Don't ask me what the String_number_engraver does, though.
>>   /Mats
>> Quoting "Rick Hansen (aka RickH)" <passp...@windcrestsoftware.com>:
>>> Notice in the following example (which will run as-is) that I am
>>> explicitely
>>> removing the string number engraver.  Yet, alas, the string numbers
>>> remain
>>> on the staff portion.
>>> How can I globally remove the string numbers from the standard notation
>>> staff, and still reuse the same music on the Fretboards staff?  (without
>>> having to modify the music itself).
>>> I thought removing the string number engraver should do it.  Is there
>>> maybe
>>> a transparent property for string numbers?
>>> Thanks
>>> Rick
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> EXAMPLE BEGIN
>>> \version "2.11.1"
>>> \include "english.ly"
>>> varFretBoardsCheatSheet = {
>>>   s4
>>>   \transpose c ef \relative { <e\5 a d g c> }
>>>   \transpose c c \relative { <c\5 g' b e> }
>>> }
>>> \header {
>>>     tagline = " "
>>> }
>>> \score {
>>>   <<
>>>   \new Staff \with {
>>>        \override Stem #'transparent = ##t
>>>   }
>>>   {
>>>        #(set-accidental-style 'forget)
>>>        \key c \major
>>>        \varFretBoardsCheatSheet
>>>   }
>>>   \new FretBoards { \transpose c c, {
>>>        \varFretBoardsCheatSheet
>>>        }
>>>   }
>>>   >>  % end music expression
>>>   \layout {
>>>         ragged-right = ##t
>>>         ragged-last = ##t
>>>         ragged-bottom = ##t
>>>         ragged-last-bottom = ##t
>>>         indent = 0.0\in
>>>         \context { \Score
>>>            \remove Bar_number_engraver
>>>         }
>>>         \context { \Staff
>>>            \remove Clef_engraver
>>>            \remove Time_signature_engraver
>>>            \remove String_number_engraver
>>>         }
>>>         \context { \FretBoards
>>>            \override FretBoard #'number-type = #'arabic
>>>         }
>>>   } % end layout
>>> } % end score
>>> \paper {
>>> }
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> EXAMPLE END
>>> --
>>> View this message in context: 
>>> http://www.nabble.com/Globally-removing-string-number-engraver-tf2776391.html#a7745355
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> Thanks Mats,
> Adding this to the \layout block removes the string numbers:
>          \context { \Voice
>             \remove New_fingering_engraver
>          }
> "String_number_engraver" is apparently part of TabStaff.
> Apparently it was easy for someone to keep string numbers, fretting hand,
> and stroke hand numbers all in the same engraver called
> "New_fingering_engraver".  But globally removing string numbers also
> clobbers the finger numbers.  That's ok for my case but maybe in the
> future 3 different tranparent properties could be added to the
> New_fingering_engraver to let you turn on/off fret hand, stroke hand, and
> string numbers independently.
> thanks again

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