On Mon, 8 Feb 2010, Graham Percival wrote:

On Mon, Feb 08, 2010 at 10:45:58AM +0100, Martin Tarenskeen wrote:

But the main problem remains: Lilypond developers are also very happy
Lilypond users, which could explain the lack of motivation to put a lot
of time and effort exporting to a format that only people who do NOT use
Lilypond really need ?

That's not the problem.  The problem is that you feel that
lilypond developers are your personal slaves.

Oh no! That's not what I was trying to say! I just mean that Lilypond is such a great program - and implicitly I mean that the Lilypond developers are great guys who put a lot of time and effort in it. And I meant to say that with such a great program, the need to export to another format is not very urgent.

You're blaming lilypond developer for not doing a job that *you*
are not willing to do.  That's not on.
Again, my intention was NOT to blame anyone. My apologees if it sounded like that.

If you want something done, then start working on it.  Since
you're (apparently) not willing to work on this, you can hardly
blame us for having the same opinion on the matter.

I do realize users and developers in such an open-source project have a shared responsibility. I have shown I am willing to help where I can - I contributed to the Dutch translation, and contributed some modest lines in the C sources to improve MIDI output for example. Also I did some more or less succesfull attempts to improve the midi2ly utility. I might continue these attempts after I did some more studying on Python programming.

But allow me to dream about complete MusicXML support from/to Lilypond somewhere in the future :-)



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