Michael J. O'Donnell:
> I am pondering offering engraving services with LilyPond. I wonder if
> there are people ready and willing to share information on the
> possibility to make modest money this way.

Why not, it comes down to finding the customer.
A former teacher of mine did engraving, but that business went away 
because the asians was to cheap.

> I have no idea how much they accomplish in one hour. I like the relative
> objectivity of a charge per note.

The notes are the things that is most easily entered into the file.
The most time consuming is all the other things you have to have there.
In that sense you could just as well charge per page.

If you are in a bigger project, charge by the hour, since there will be 
changes. And the changes takes more time than the first entry.

But, I believe you will always be underpaid doing engraving, so it 
might be just as easy to set a fixed charge.

> So, if there is enough interest (i.e., at least 2 other people), I
> suggest that we develop a discussion within the LilyPond Wiki:

I suggest we stick to this mailing list. Discussions through a web 
interface are more cumbersome for me.

> If there's enough response, I'll join the Wiki, make sure that this is
> within it's scope, and provide a front page. So far, I have some
> examples to share, and a crude sed script for counting notes.

Scripts for getting statistics from lilypond files would be useful to 
have in the lsr. There are other uses for them than as charge meters.


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