
On 4 February 2010 22:05, Robert Clausecker <fuz...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I tried to tie some notes together wichs are in different Voices. That
> failed. Maybe somebody could help me. This is the score:
> \relative a' {
>        <a c a'>16 <c c'>8 <h g'>16 ~ << { g' c, d e } \\ { h8 h } >>
> }

It is not possible to tie notes from different voices *as it*.
You have to *tweak* a little, with \hideNotes, \unHideNotes for example,
like in this snippet: http://lsr.dsi.unimi.it/LSR/Item?id=150

Here is what I would have done:

  \relative a' {
    <a c a'>16 <c c'>8 << { <h g'>16 ~ \voiceOne g' c, d e }
      \new Voice { \hideNotes <h g'>16 ~ \unHideNotes \voiceTwo h8 h } >>
      \oneVoice  % ...


  \relative a' {
    << { \oneVoice <a c a'>16 <c c'>8 <h g'>16 ~ \voiceOne g' c, d e } \\
      { s16 s8 \hideNotes <h g'>16 ~ \unHideNotes h8 h } >>  % ...

> Additional, the "||:" bar behaves remarkable: In a piano staff, it
> creates two dots in the center between the two staffs and also at the
> center of the two staffs:
> \new PianoStaff { <<
>        \new Staff { e2' a' \bar "||:" g1 }
>        \new Staff { d d d d e g e g }
> >> }

Anyway, it is recommended to use \repeat volta 2 instead of \bar "||:"
to indicate repeats.  See

  \new PianoStaff <<
    \new Staff { e'2 a' \repeat volta 2 { g'1 } }
    \new Staff { \clef bass d4 d d d \repeat volta 2 { e4 g e g } }


Xavier Scheuer <x.sche...@gmail.com>

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