I'd like to set up some ii-v-i voicing exercises for piano.The transpose seems to be working, but it's creating a "score" of staves rather than what I thought I was specifying, namely 2 measures of right hand/left hand piano, followed by a transpose for 2 measures, followed by another transpose for 2 measures, etc.. all on exactly 2 staves. While I could just write this out, I'd like to understand how to get \transpose to do the job.
(see attached image) What am I doing wrong?
Picture 6.png
Description: application/applefile
<<inline: Picture 6.png>>
%{ Voicings ii-v %}\version "2.12.2" % necessary for upgrading to future LilyPond versions.
\header { } rh = \relative c'' { \key c \major \time 4/4 | <a e' a>2 <a e' a> | <g d 'g>1 } % end relative rh lh = \relative c' { \key c \major \clef "bass" \time 4/4 | <f, c' e>2 <f b e> | <e b' d>1 } % end relative lh \book { \score { \new PianoStaff << \new staff = "rh" \rh \transpose c d \rh \transpose c e \rh \new staff = "lh" \lh \transpose c d \lh \transpose c e \lh \override Score.MetronomeMark #'padding = #3 \tempo 4=96 >> % end PianoStaff \layout { } \midi { } } % end score } % end book Many thanks in advance, Avram
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