I would like to construct a system where the individual staves would be each
following different unmettered pattern. Still, I need that some moments of
music are vertically aligned. I thought of using parallelmusic to achieve
this. My expectation was that Lilypond will care to vertically align the
pieces of music separated by the bar check signs '|'. 
However, it seems that even if the music is unmettered (i.e. cadenzaOn) and
even if timing was set to ##f, Lilypond still tries to "count" the beats and
rearranges the music so that the music is vertically "beat" aligned,
disregarding the desired parallel sequences of music! 

Of course, I could achieve what I want by adding an immense number os skips
of the proper length, but I suspect Lilypond might have some function so as
to calculate the necessary length of skips sutomatically to fill in the
"missing" beats to achieve the result of aligning the individual bits of
parallel music under each other as specified by the input file. Does such a
function exist, please?

%Following very simple example:
 \version "2.12.2"

\parallelMusic #'(voiceA voiceB) {
        \cadenzaOn c'2 |
        \cadenzaOn e'8 |
       d'8  | 
       c'4  |  
       g'16( c'') |
       d'4        |
     \new StaffGroup <<
       \new Staff \new Voice \voiceA
       \new Staff \new Voice \voiceB

%What I would expect Lilypond to do is to calculate the necessary skips
automatically so as the music is aligned as follows:

\parallelMusic #'(voiceA voiceB) {
        \cadenzaOn c'2 |
        \cadenzaOn e'8 s8 s4|
       d'8  s8| 
       c'4  |  
       g'16( c'') s8|
       d'4        |
     \new StaffGroup <<
       \new Staff \new Voice \voiceA
       \new Staff \new Voice \voiceB

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