The arguments starting with % are LilyPondTool features. It automatically substitutes configured values. The other arguments are LilyPond command line arguments. So you should be able to use --output for example, see the doc.

Gerard McConnell wrote:
when I use the following line in the console:
%lilypond -dbackend=svg %buffer
I'm guessing that 1. I'm calling LilyPond 2. sending it
an argument (or parameter?) and 3. telling LilyPond to
process the file in the buffer.   What exactly is the %?
I presume that I can replace %buffer with a path to some
 file, but for instance if I enter:
%lilypond -dbackend=svg "c:\documents and setting\dad\desktop\musicpages\"
I get a:
warning: cannot find file: 'etc'.
Finally, is it possible for me to direct the output to a
specific folder?
By the way, the svg output from 2.12.2 is already great,
it's hard to imagine how it has been improved for 2.14.

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