Op zondag 24 januari 2010 schreef Michael:

> {
>      \clef treble
>      \time 4/4
>      \key g \major
>      \relative c
>            \partial 4 d8 d
>            d d g g g4 f8 g
>            a g c a b2
>            d'4 a8 b c4 b8 c
>            d'4 e'8( c) b g a4
>            g1         
>  }

The \relative command expects a music expression. In this example it makes the 
expression \partial 4 relative which has no effect. Either place the music in 
brackets or put \relative outside the main brackets:

     \clef treble
     \time 4/4
     \key g \major
     \relative c {
           \partial 4 d8 d
           d d g g g4 f8 g
           a g c a b2
           d'4 a8 b c4 b8 c
           d'4 e'8( c) b g a4

\relative c {
     \clef treble
     \time 4/4
     \partial 4 d8 d
     \key g \major
     d d g g g4 f8 g
     a g c a b2
     d'4 a8 b c4 b8 c
     d'4 e'8( c) b g a4

best regards,
Wilbert Berendsen

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