{ \clef bass e''8-1^\markup {\bold "#8"} ^\( ^(f-2 e f) fis-3 ^(f-2 fis f\)) } { \clef bass e''8-1^\markup {\bold "#8"} _\( ^(f-2 e f) fis-3 ^(f-2 fis f\)) }

{ \clef bass e''8-1^\markup {\bold "#8"} ^\( _(f-2 e f) fis-3 _(f-2 fis f\)) } { \clef bass e''8-1^\markup {\bold "#8"} _\( _(f-2 e f) fis-3 _(f-2 fis f\)) }

That should do what you want.

On 23.01.2010, at 14:15, i...@soundand.com wrote:

I did read both and the lsr example and I just tried your ^ which I had tried before in a slightly different way. However nothing produces what I am trying to get. And your latest did not change my example the phrase still goes up. as do the slurs. As it did in the previous example you sent.

I have tried_\slurDown and it wouldn't compile.


Quoting Kieren MacMillan <kieren_macmil...@sympatico.ca>:

Hi Jay,

I copy/pasted your suggestion into the piece and the slurs/ phrases all are up.
all of the notes are one phrase
each group of four 8ths are slurred. In the original the slurs are under the 8ths and the phrase mark is above.

Then raise it:

music = {
  \slurDown e''8-1^\markup { \bold "#8"} ^\(
  \slurNeutral f-2( e f) fis-3 f-2( fis f\))

\score { \music }

Please read the docs [or read them more closely, if you believe you've already read them].
Start with the Learning Manual, where it shows how to code slurs.



Quoting Kieren MacMillan <kieren_macmil...@sympatico.ca>:

Hi Jay,

I would have expected something like this to work
e''8-1^\markup {\bold "#8"} \slurDown
(f-2 e f) fis-3 (f-2 fis f\))

but it won't compile. So I'm still not understanding that section or I'm placing the \slur in the wrong place.

Is this what you're trying to do?

music = {
 \slurDown e''8-1^\markup { \bold "#8"} \(
 \slurNeutral f-2( e f) fis-3 f-2( fis f\))

\score { \music }

Note that the slur marking ( comes *AFTER* the note you want the slur to start on — it's not like parenthesizing a formula.

Hope this helps.


Quoting James Bailey <derhindem...@googlemail.com>:

See section 5.4.2 in the notation reference, Direction and Placement

On 23.01.2010, at 13:25, i...@soundand.com wrote:

version 12.2
I would like to have the slurs in the following \slurDown and the long phrase Neutral or up but the LSR example is confusing as it uses many voices and I can't get it to usefully work for me.

e''8-1^\markup {\bold "#8"} \ ((f-2 e f) fis-3 (f-2 fis f\))

The slurs and phrase markings are correct I just would like to control up and down.

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