Yes I saw that once I had spent far too long on this little experiment.

I guess I was trying to illustrate what I thought was an inconsistency or 
unexpected behaviour for the spacer as I often use this method to manually 
align things like hairpins for instance, or the odd dotted line  text spanner 
when I want it 'just so'.


-----Original Message-----
From: Graham Percival []
Sent: Fri 22/01/2010 23:07
To: James Lowe
Subject: Re: Understanding spacers err.. spacing
On Fri, Jan 22, 2010 at 05:56:25PM -0500, James Lowe wrote:
> I had been trying to get a fermata to align centrally over the
> last bar which is just a full rest (yes I know it makes no sense
> musically but anyway..) I had been struggling.
> R1^\fermata

Might I recommend looking in the index of Notation, and following
the index entry "fermata on multi-measure rest" ?  or
"multi-measure rest, attaching fermata" ?

- Graham

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