
Thanks for the example. The "defined?" test is a key piece, and you
saved me hunting through the Scheme manual for it. With that test, it's
relatively easy to mimic the C preprocessor's "include guard" method.
Variable scoping can be tricky in LilyPond, so I may have to fuss a bit
to make sure that the appropriate variables are accessible when needed.

I'll try to do this when I get back from a trip in a couple of weeks,
and I'll post my code.


Mike O'Donnell

Dmytro O. Redchuk wrote:
> У чт, 2010-01-21 у 11:47 -0600, Michael J. O'Donnell пише:
>> I am putting together a large choral score from bookparts for each
>> number in the work. I like to be able to produce either a single number,
>> or the whole score. The natural approach is to include style definitions
>> in each of the files that I might set, including the file to format the
>> whole score and the files to format individual numbers. Files to format
>> individual numbers also include the style definitions.
>> I find that repeated inclusion of the same definitions leads quickly to
>> a segmentation fault.
>> I can either add one more level of indirection, with one more file per
>> number. Or, I can do some Scheme hacking, with a global variable to set
>> showing inclusion (tricky, because the variable needs to be testable
>> reliably even when it has never been set explicitly).
> I am not sure, but probably you can use your own names for element style
> definitions and check them with "(if (defined? ..." constructs?..
> Probably, i simply don't knwo what's i'm talking about, but... It's a
> chance to ask for me :-)
> For example, i use these in macro.lyi:
> % -----------------8<---------------------------
> globalStaffSize = #(if (defined? 'globalStaffSize) globalStaffSize 20)
> #(symbol-fset! 'barno-plain ly:text-interface::print)
> #(symbol-fset! 'barno-boxed (make-stencil-boxer 0.1 0.33 
> ly:text-interface::print))
> ourBarNumberStencil =
>   #(if (defined? 'ourBarNumberStencil)
>        (symbol-fref ourBarNumberStencil)
>        (symbol-fref 'barno-boxed))
> % -----------------8<---------------------------
> And then i can use these in score templates:
> % -----------------8<---------------------------
> globalStaffSize = #22
> ourBarNumberStencil = #'barno-plain
> % -----------------8<---------------------------
> And later they will be used in appropriate places...
>> But, I'd prefer to use a well-known standard method, if it exists.
> Hardly believe this is a "standard method" thought :O)
> And i have not tried these with \bookpart, but "should work" i guess.
> And, please, as always --- any comments are welcome!
>> Thanks,
>> Mike O'Donnell

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