
have you already tryed to reconfigure LyX (in the german verison it
is Werkzeuge->neu konfigurieren). This rescans your TeX installation
for classes and styles,



Am Freitag, den 15.01.2010, 10:07 +0100 schrieb Martin Tarenskeen:
> Hi,
> I'm thinking of using the lilypond in combination with LyX on Fedora to 
> write articles with embedded musicscore fragments. It has been some time 
> ago since I tried LyX for the first time, and it seemed like a nice way to 
> get such things done. But after that I was busy with other things and 
> didn't try any further.
> This week I decided to try again to install and use Lyx on my latest 
> Fedora 12 system. But I can't get it to work properly. Almost 
> with everything I try to I'm getting this:
> Warning: Document class not available
> ----------------------------------------
> The layout file requested by this document,
> article.layout,
> is not usable. This is probably because a LaTeX
> class or style file required by it is not
> available. See the Customization documentation
> for more information.
> LyX will not be able to produce output.
> However, as far as I now all LaTeX classes and styles I could probably 
> need are installed.
> This is not really directly a Lilypond issue, but it does prevent me to 
> use lilypond with LyX. Maybe someone someone who managed to get the 
> combination Fedora 12 + Lyx + texlive + lilypond working can mail me 
> directly off-list and help me to configure this. When things are working I 
> will share my experiences/failure/success using Lilypond+LyX in this 
> mailinglist.

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