2010/1/13 Francesco Petrogalli <francesco.petroga...@gmail.com>:
> Hello,
> can I put "marks" A, B, C etc etc generated by \mark\default in a
> separate file to be included in every staff/staffgroup, like a sort of
> "invisible staff"?
> I have to copy an orchestral part and I don't want to put marks
> commands in every instrument's source....

This technique seems to work:

marks=\repeat unfold 10 { \mark\default s1*4 }
musicwholes =\repeat unfold 40 { c'1 }
musichalves =\repeat unfold 80 { c'2 }

\new Staff << \marks  \musicwholes >>

\new Staff << \marks  \musichalves >>

Now, just include the \marks part from an external file.
Francisco Vila. Badajoz (Spain)
www.paconet.org , www.csmbadajoz.com

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  • marks Francesco Petrogalli
    • Re: marks Gilles Sadowski
    • Re: marks Francisco Vila

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