I'm suddenly getting an error I don't understand. I've compared my score with other, similar ones, and cannot see a problem. This score has been find for quite some, and now it won't compile. I really use a hint as to the nature of the problem. I've reduced it to minimal code sufficient to show the problem.

The score may be seen here: http://pastie.org/775801

Here's the error msg:

t...@tomc-desktop:~/Music/Music_scores/Lilypond$ lilypond arabesque-b.ly
GNU LilyPond 2.12.3
Processing `arabesque-b.ly'
arabesque-b.ly:87:2: error: syntax error, unexpected >>

arabesque-b.ly:99:0: error: syntax error, unexpected \score

\score {
arabesque-b.ly:107:28: error: unknown escaped string: `\melody'
  \context Voice = "melody"
arabesque-b.ly:107:28: error: syntax error, unexpected STRING
  \context Voice = "melody"
arabesque-b.ly:112:15: error: unknown escaped string: `\cm'
   indent = 0.0
               \cm % remove indent on first staff
/usr/local/lilypond/usr/share/lilypond/current/ly/init.ly:63:66: error: syntax error, unexpected $end
   (ly:parser-error parser (_ "expected error, but none found"))))

error: failed files: "arabesque-b.ly"

As you can see, it's rejecting the closing corner bracket. Makes no sense to me, and as of now my work on this score is halted. Would appreciate any help!!!



Tom Cloyd
Bellingham, Washington, U.S.A

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