Hi Carl and everyone,
This looks a good idea in principle, but you've got to address what I
call the tonic-sol-fa/solfeggio problem.
You have to consider all of these (and I may have missed a few)
1. What is your base-level tonic?
2. what mode you are in (\major \minor \dorian etc.)?
3. => what key signature do you currently assume?
4. are you adopting \relative-type rules - when do you decide on an
octave shift for the base tonic?
1. A good test for this would famously difficult singing range
of the U.S. national anthem
5. How do you notate modulations when a piece is changing key, an f
in the key of c needs to become an f# to prepare for a modulation
into g, but you aren't quite ready to adopt the new key signature
(and therefore reset the tonic) yet?
I suppose you could do some of this with mark-up stuff
1. \key c -> ^"tonic=c" or
2. \key c \major -> ^"tonic= c major"
3. whatever \key is set as
4. you could use the \relative type idea, f4 c'4 notates as 4 1' on
crotchet note-heads
5. Add the possibility of accidental f# or b flat being notated as
4# or 7b on note-heads, or 4^"#" 7^"b" (except use the flat-sign
for b)
Just some things to think about, HTH.
On 10/01/10 02:05, Carl Sorensen wrote:
On 1/9/10 12:50 PM, "pound...@lineone.net"<pound...@lineone.net> wrote:
----Original Message----
From: da...@thirdculture.com
Date: 09/01/2010 19:01
To: "Carl Sorensen"<c_soren...@byu.edu>
Cc: "fr...@lilynet.net"<fr...@lilynet.net>,
Subj: Re: [frogs] Re: Numeric note heads for singers
Carl, pounderd, and others,
I like the idea of "frogs" picking up an idea like this.
But, it's not real high priority, and in graphix-rendition terms it would be
difficult to inscribe a "4" into the triangular "pennant" shape of "fa"
because the triangle points in the opposite direction from the triangular
outline of "4".
Getting new singers to distinguish between tonic-triangle and fourth-triangle
is the main thing.
I guess there isn't any way of doing this right now, and that's a good answer
to my question.
David Olson
Culver City, CA
Thanks for letting us know. It looks as though we all misunderstood the
Would it be of use to have easy note heads that were circles but with 1
through 7 in them? It seems to me that that's what the shape notes do.
David had an easy way of making that happen by setting the note head names
for a given key, and I think (hope) he's planning on doing the automatic
easy heads for scale degree.
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