On 1/3/10 12:22 PM, "pound...@lineone.net" <pound...@lineone.net> wrote:
> I might be misunderstanding the request, but couldn't it be done with
> \override Voice . NoteHead #'note-names = #(vector "1" "2" "3" "4" "5"
> "6" "7")
> \easyHeadsOn .....
> adjusting the numbers depending on the key
This wouldn't work, because 'note-names is keyed to the *octave* location,
not the scale degree.
In contrast, the shapeNoteStyles property (see
scm/define-context-properties.scm and ly/property-init.ly) works off the
scale degree.
A workaround would most likely be built on the snippet "Applying note head
styles depending on the step of the scale" found at
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