Sorry about that - hit a wrong combination of keys.

Greetings and Happy New Year!

I'm running LilyPond 2.12.2 under Ubuntu 9.10. I'm transposing a bunch of
violin etudes to make them viola etudes, and I've hit a snag. I'm making
each etude a separate score. I've been using
\score {
\header {
    opus = "Name"
successfully with "music" held in another file included in the score file.
When I came across some solos with titles, I tried including title,
subtitle, and composer in the \header inside the \score block, but the
title, subtitle, and composer didn't print. When I put the \header block
immediately before the \score block, the headers printed at the beginning of
the whole file. I'm not using an explicit \book block.

I took a look at the Learning Manual and at the Snippets List, and it looks
like it was intended that "localtitle" and such were intended to work (and
opus does work), but "localtiltle", "localcomposer", and "localpoet" don't
print in the Snippets List either. Is this a known bug? Is there a known

Here's my file:

%%%%  Begin Snippet %%%%

\version "2.12.2"
%\include ""

music = {
    \key c \major
    \time 6/8
    \relative c'' {
    e4-2\mf( f8) f4( e8) |
    e8(d f) f4( e8) |

\score {
\header {
  title = "Barcarolle"
  subtitle = "from Tales of Hoffman"
  composer = "Offenbach"

%%%% End Snippet %%%%

I appreciate your time and help,


Ralph Palmer
Montague City, MA
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