Hi Jethro,

> I can find some references to the Stem-property "modern-straight-flag" and 
> "old-straight-flag" on the net, yet I cannot get them to be displayed.
> I have tried:
> \layout {
>   \context { \Score 
>     \override Stem #'flag-style = #modern-straight-flag 
>   } 
> } 
> in an external stylesheet or within the file itself, both without success 
> yet without any parsing errors either. I have also tried (to no avail, of 
> course) putting the override in the Staff and Voice context.
> Wherever I declare the override, I get the normal classical flags. Apart 
> from that, [#'flag-style = #'mensural] and [#'flag-style = #'no-flag] DO 
> work. I presume I'm missing out on something. Is there anyone who can 
> help?

Aren't you missing a ' in your 

    \override Stem #'flag-style = #modern-straight-flag

?? i.e., shouldn't it be

    \override Stem #'flag-style = #'modern-straight-flag


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