У чт, 2009-12-24 у 10:17 +0100, Wilbert Berendsen пише:
> Op donderdag 24 december 2009 schreef Dmytro:
> >       #:override '(font-name . localComposerFont)

> It doesn't work because the override pair is quoted (localComposerFont is 
> regarded as a symbol instead of a variable referring to a string).
Thank You for the explanation. I feel i am about to understand :-)

> The following works:
> localComposerFont = #"AntiquaPSCyr Italic"
> % -------------------
> #(define-markup-command (Composer layout props word) (string?)
>   (interpret-markup layout props
>     (markup
>       #:larger
>       #:override (cons 'font-name localComposerFont)
Thank You a lot for this.

(refrain: Lilypond is *wonderful*!)

>       #:italic
>       word)))
> % -------------------
> \header {
>   composer = \markup \Composer #"Fill me!"
> }
> best regards,
> Wilbert Berendsen

Dmytro O. Redchuk

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