Is there a way to force lilypond to include two key changes back to back, separated only by a \bar ":|". I get the two simultaneous key-change event error but would like to override or find a work around if possible. The piece goes from begins in b-flat major changes to e-flat major, it repeats back to b-flat major and finishes in the key of e-flat major. I am having trouble at the repeat sign. I would like to include the key change (b-flat) prior to the repeat and the second ending key (e-flat) after the repeat.
My first solution was to use a spacer rest between these two key changes but that created a new empty measure with a lot of open space. I found guidance on putting the key cancellation and key signature before the repeat bar, but am unable to find out how to force the second key signature (the examples I found went from g major to c major so they didn't need additional sharps or flats to show up after the key cancellation/key signature change). The input below works to generate the key of b-flat major and a natural on the a. But doesn't generate the second key signature after the repeat. \once \override Score.BreakAlignment #'break-align-orders = #(make-vector 3 '(key span-bar breathing-sign staff-bar clef time-signature)) \once \override Staff.KeyCancellation #'X-offset = #-4 \once \override Staff.KeySignature #'X-offset = #-3 \key bes\major \bar ":|" \key ees \major I appreciate any guidance. MJ _______________________________________________ lilypond-user mailing list