Robert Ley <> writes:

> Thanks.
> I had found most of that. 
> What I had meant is more along the lines of what Tim McNamara said:
>     IMHO here is where we run into the issue of what LilyPond *is.*
>     It's a backend with no face, basically.  This is something that
>     most Windows and Mac users will find hard to grasp initially,
>     whereas Unix users will be familiar with such things.  To the
>     extent that we want to reach out to Windows and Mac users, we need
>     to provide them with some way to understand and be comfortable
>     with that- otherwise they will install it, double-click and say
>     "where's the f*****g application?"
> Because this is what I did and the 'application' didn't work for my
> particular configuration. So I wondered if there was some other way to
> get LilyPond to do its compiling. I went to the command line pages and
> looked at those.
> Also, please remember that some of us, me included, have little experience
> writing command lines, so when you put, as part of the first information on
> command line use:
>      Create a directory to store these scripts,
>         mkdir -p ~/bin
>         cd ~/bin
>     Create a file called lilypond which contains
>       exec DIR/ "$@"
>     Note: DIR will generally be /Applications/
>     Create similar files lilypond-book, convert-ly, and any other scripts you
>     wish to use, by replacing the bin/lilypond with bin/convert-ly (or other
>     program name).
>     Make the file executable,
>     chmod u+x lilypond
> I have not a clue what you're talking about. Remember I'm on a Mac, so
> 'create a directory' doesn't mean anything to me. Nor does 'create a
> file'. I have to create a file within an application, and since
> LilyPond didn't work in the GUI for me, I had no way to do that.
> To answer the last question of yours, no, the information wasn't hard
> to find.  You've done a great job of making it easier to find. You
> just said you wanted your mother to be able to find and use it, or at
> least be able to decide that she did or didn't want to use it.

Looks like the proper starting point would be an instructional video

David Kastrup

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